Home Sellers Listing Checklist

Home Sellers Listing Checklist

There are many things to remember when you’re selling your house.  This Home Sellers Listing Checklist aims to help you make sure you’ve covered everything.  You can download a free copy below by using the download link.


Home Sellers Lisitng Checklist | First Time Home Buyer Calgary | Sell Your Home Faster
Home Sellers Listing Checklist


Cut and give a set of keys to the realtor for the lockbox
Remove or hide items of value from the home
Provide the realtor with a copy of your current tax bill
Provide the realtor a copy of the current Real Property Report
Get the Real Property Report updated (if required)
Provide your realtor all of the Condo Documents that you have
Pick up and pay for any new condo documents that are required and give to the realtor
Provide a copy of your Operator’s license to your realtor
Provide your realtor with a copy of your current bill for any neighbourhood or HOA fees
Provide your realtor with a copy of any building pland you may have for your home.
Clean and de-clutter the home as per the De-Clutter Checklist
Complete Repairs__________________________________________
Complete Repairs__________________________________________
Complete Repairs__________________________________________
Complete Repairs__________________________________________
Move personal items into storage if required
Confirm payout penalty with mortgage company $____________
Email all leases for tenants to your realtor as PDF forms
Provide your realtor with any copies of Incorporations documents that you have

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To find additional helpful guides and documents, visit: //firsttimehomebuyercalgary.com/packages-for-available-for-download